7 Days - New Body, New Life

Reboot Registration

Begin the Recorded program immediately!!!

I AM REGISTERING for Phil Kaplan's 21 Day TransGenesis: METABOLIC REBOOT Program as I'm ready to take control of my body and metabolism once and for all!!!

I WILL RECEIVE DAILY INSIGHTS AND STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTION.  I will choose an option below.  I understand Phil sells this program for over $2500 in conjunction with medical groups incorporating in-person testing and consult.  This version delivers all materials online via recorded webinars and downloadable info-packs and instruction pages. 

ONCE I ENROLL I'LL HAVE ACCESS TO THE COMMUNITY!  In addition to all program materials, I will gain access to the ALIVE Across America Facebook discussion group where I can interact with the coaches and other participants in the program.  This forum is a private arena where my questions, thoughts, and concerns can be addressed. 

I understand that only a small number of Personal Trainers and Health Practitioners have been trained in the science underlying the program and I acknowledge that ONLY those trainers are qualified to guide me through the 21 days. Understanding that a mix of downloadable information and personal attention will deliver the most guidance, I will choose the option that best suits me below.  I'm ready for change and ready to go!

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