ALIVE Across America

Imagine discovering the simple exercise and eating interventions that restore a body to Perfect Health. Then celebrate. You no longer have to imagine! You can attend the A.L.I.V.E. Across America sessions and associated webinars live via the web or when offered you can receive a recorded version of select courses to attend at your leisure. Wherever you are in the world . . . read on . . . explore . . . and join us for ALIVE Across America!
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Fat loss, energy, fitness, hormonal balance, and reversal of disease. Those are just a few of the testimonial claims from the first phase of the release of the A.L.I.V.E. protocol. We've now moved into a second phase which allows remote participation at a highly affordable price.
After 4 years of development and research, after taking just over 2200 people living in Florida and Maryland (two test sites) through the 8-week protocol. the program has proven to be all it was promised to be and more . . . and now, wherever you live, you can go through eight weeks of impressive physical change (register for the next ALIVE Across America).
There are so many fitness programs it’s easy to suffer an extreme case of headspin when trying to sort through them. Add in the insane number of diet advisors who spout information that runs contrary to yet another diet advisor. Here’s the reality. America is fatter and less conditioned than ever. Sure, we have fit people. In fact, we have extremely fit people, but for every one of those there are 10 or 12 who are declining, moving away from their physical best.
That’s reality. There are more purported solutions than ever, yet the problem is worsening. That’s an elegant illustration of the simple truth, “conventional fitness and weight loss efforts aren’t working for the masses.”
In order, today for a fitness program to really stand out, it would have to be backed firstly by science and secondly by data. To take it further, that data would have to be reviewed and verified by experts in medicine, science, and physical performance. It would have to maintain a very high adherence rate (85% of new exercisers fail to follow through for more than 4 consecutive weeks). It would have to deliver extreme value and demonstrate indisputable change, not only in body composition, appearance, and energy, but also in the biomarkers of health.
The A.L.I.V.E. Protocol is that program. Its groundbreaking. Here are a few of the adjectives that are used by A.L.I.V.E. participants in the select cities in which the program was launched:
- Empowering
- Incredible
- Life-Altering
- Rejuvenating
- Amazing
Now I know, some of those words reek of standard marketing jargon. From this point forward, I will not use any words that may appear incredulous. I’ll share facts, testimony, and the foundational science that has made this program so powerful in helping people move away from dis-ease and back toward health.
Explore the site using the Menu at upper right.
Of you're ready, get on board for the next launch of ALIVE Across America - find details here
Now, there are several ways you can enter the program and the new 21 Day Metabolic Reboot has brought astounding results to those who have struggled with weight loss challenges for years.
Stop wasting time and energy on "solutions" that fall short. Explore the information here or email and connect with the principles that can . . . and will . . . change your life for the Better!